Development Land

Price: 4,691,750.00

10 Acres MOL - $2,000,000 107.67 Acres MOL - $1,641,537 @ $.35/SQFT


stdClass Object
    [PropertyID] => 4982
    [StatusID] => withdrawn
    [PropertyName] => Development Land
    [PropertyDescription] => 10 Acres MOL - $2,000,000
107.67 Acres MOL - $1,641,537 @ $.35/SQFT
    [PropertyAddress] => N.E./C of N. Porter and E. Franklin
    [PropertyCity] => Norman
    [StateID] => OK
    [ZipCode] => 73107
    [PropertyPrice] => 4691750.00
    [PropertyLat] => 35.27636460
    [PropertyLng] => -97.44124240
    [BuildingSize] => 0
    [LandSize] => 117.60
    [LandMeasurementType] => ACRE
    [BuildingStatus] => 
    [Stories] => 0
    [YearBuilt] => 0
    [Zoning] => 
    [Tenancy] => 
    [Construction] => 
    [ParkingSpaces] => 0
    [CondominiumName] => 
    [IsFeaturedProperty] => 0
    [OfficeID] => 1
    [CreatedAt] => 2020-07-01 13:37:06
    [CreatedBy] => ray
    [UpdatedBy] => admin_jrf
    [UpdatedAt] => 2021-11-03 15:33:55
    [StatusName] => Withdrawn
    [IsActive] => 0
Listing ID 4982 Listing Type Withdrawn
N.E./C of N. Porter and E. Franklin
Norman, OK 73107
Property Type Other
Building Size N/A Land Size 117.60 ACRE
Building Status Stories 0
Built Year 0 Tenancy
Parking Space 0 Construction
Traffic Count 0 Utilities to Site